SZW Environment, Health & Safety Program

As a socio-environmental enterprise, the Company has established a workplace safety program to assist in providing a safe and healthy work environment for employees, clients, and visitors. This will only be achieved through the participation, co-operation, and commitment of everyone in the workplace. We are committed to complying with the, Standard Operating procedures, codes of practice, and other safety program guidance material.

Our QEHS Policy reflects our commitment

    • Customer Satisfaction by implementing customized sustainable solutions, adherence to timelines & prompt customer support.

    • Compliance to internal requirements, customer requirements, and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements to achieve an efficient, healthy and safe
      work environment wherever we operate

    • Operational Excellence investment in continuous learning and development, adopting best practices, and attaining quality beyond compliance

    • Continual Improvement of services through innovation and technology leadership and of the management system effectiveness by systematically addressing the
      risks and opportunities

    • Inclusive Supplier Partnerships through rigorous qualification procedures, quality,environmental, occupational health & safety audits and inculcating shared values
      and best practices with our growing vendor base.

    The management team at Saahas Waste Management Pvt Ltd reaffirms to all interested parties including employees, suppliers, customers, consultants, investors,the waste management industry and statutory & regulatory bodies to

    • Strive in our vision for realizing a circular economy with social inclusion

    • Strategize our actions on our core ideology of 5 R’s – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse,Repurpose, and Recycle

    • Uphold RIIIHT values – Resilience, Integrity, Innovation, Impact, Humility & Team

    • Show leadership and commitment, and bear the responsibility for establishing,implementing and maintaining the Integrated Management System and satisfying all applicable requirements

    • Dedicate sufficient resources to achieve the quality, environmental and health &safety objectives through effective training, communication and constant engagement

    • Zero tolerance towards practices that pollute the environment such as mixing, burning and dumping waste

EHS commitment

    • To ensure that our operations are carried out with the least impact to the environment and are zero injury, we comply with the following principles:

    • Control and minimize health and safety risks that arise due to our activities through audits.

    • Provide and maintain facilities, equipment, operations and working conditions which are safe for employees, visitors and contractors at the Company’s premises.

    • Ensure safe handling, storage, use and management of all materials at the work environment.

    • Ensure Fire safety, First Aid supplies & use of Personal protective equipment at work sites.

    • Continuous reduction in the incidence of work-related injuries.

    • Meet our customer’s/client’s expectations for EHS performance, so that our activities at customer sites do not cause or contribute to accidents or undesired events

    • The Company shall comply with provisions relating to health including those pertaining to Ergonomics, Lighting,

    • Ventilation, Humidity, Work environment, Hygiene and Sanitation.

    • Staff will follow safe work procedures, instructions , rules and participate in safety training .

    • In addition, we trust our partners and vendors to: Work with us to meet these goals & protect our reputation

Our commitment as a IMS Certified Company

ISO 9001: A QualityManagement System (QMS) that helps organizations meet customer expectations and deliverhigh- quality products and services.

    • Dedication to excellence & feedback mechanisms for continuous improvements.

    • Conformity to Regulatory compliance & Client SLA.

    • Resource Optimization & KPI alignment to SOW.

    • Data monitoring and reporting to ensure consistent, high quality services.

    • Inculcating shared Values & best practices across the growing Supplier Chain.

    • SLA(Service Legal Agreement)

    • SOW(Statement of Work)

    • KPI (Key performance Indicator)



ISO 45001: An Occupational Health and SafetyManagement System (OHSMS) that helps organizations improve their health and safety performance and demonstrate that they prioritize the safety of their employees and other stakeholders.

    • Compliance to regulatory requirements ensuring minimum wages and benefit schemes for worker .

    • Training covering Job specific Operational processes, health and safety associated to work place.

    • Engagement on holistic wellbeing of workers including formalization , dignity & prospect for living wages.

    • Regular health Checkups, Grievance redressal & access to government welfare schemes.

    • Hazard Identification & Risk Management.


ISO 14001: An Environmental Management System (EMS) that helps organizations reduce their environmental impact and demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability.

    • Systematic processes to ensure waste segregation at source , scheduled collections and storage.

    • Efficiently run Material recovery facilities and organic waste management systems ensuring maximum resource recovery for recycling, reduced waste and minimal disposal to landfill.

    • Monitoring, evaluation and reporting of waste recovered and GHG emissions.

    • Landfill remediation process through assessment and execution (if landfill at site).

    • Environmental impact analysis across supplier chain.